Coaching Sessions

Regular and on request coaching sessions within PNE are led by the Coaching Coordinator. The club uses a variety of venues and race circuits in our local area, also coaching providers. Regular Coaching Sessions are explained below

Day Time & Location Type Link, Delivered by Link
Sat 9:15-11:45, South Downs College U18, Youth HSDC Coaching Link
Sat 9:15-11:45 , South Downs College Go-Ride HSDC Coaching Link
Fri 18:00 – 19:00, Mountbatten Velodrome Track, fixed wheel PCC Check with the Mountbatten Centre
Sat 11:00- 13:00, Mountbatten Velodrome Go-Gear, Go ride BH Live Check with the Mountbatten Centre
Local Coaching Programmes & Providers

The club will seek to offer all coaching tailored to the requests of members, with preferred availability, and at the best value price for members. On request sessions have included

  • CX techniques
  • Group riding introduction and progression.
  • Race, race team
  • Team time trial