Your race Team need you – 16th Jan

Have you ever considered racing in PNECC colours? if so, we need you for the 2023 racing season! This coming Monday night there will be an opportunity to meet and discuss club racing for the season ahead. Experienced and aspiring racers are encouraged to join, it is open to all. Please meet us at the Mountbatten track room at 7pm – 16th Jan, and bring your bike, circles/track time will be afterward at 8pm. There will also be a committee meeting at 7:45pm. Have a great weekend!

For more info contact Tim,

2022 PNE Racing Events, Leagues & Competitions

The club award winners for Time Trials, Road/Circuit and Contribution are all now fully updated on the website.

This year we’ll be showcasing the awards, events competition results,  time trial league tables and more. And a diverse  calendar of racing events with additional opportunities to compete, volunteer and support locally as a club.

Club Members will qualify for preferential entry, and reduced entry costs across a wide range of club events, notably early season events.
Entry links and info will be posted on the club website and on our social media.  Good luck for  2022, go for it!