Committee meeting reports can be found here. Recent report has important information regarding the new branding and kit.
September Committee Report
The 4th September committee meeting minutes can be found here
The next committee meeting is the 16th October.
June Committee Report
The 19th June committee meeting minutes can be found here
The next committee meeting is 4th September TBC.
May Committee Report
The 23rd May committee meeting minutes can be found here
Club AGM – 26th November, Mountbatten
The Annual General Meeting this year will take place in the Mountbatten Function Room , Saturday 26th November 2022 . Tea and coffee 16:45, meeting starts start 5pm until 6pm. Notice of the AGM has been sent to all members by email and posted on our social media.
The club relies on you…..with more members doing a little – not a few doing a lot… makes a big difference!
If you would like something put on the agenda for discussion at the meeting, or proposed changes to the Club Rules or Club Constitution please email to Matt by the 11th November. You can view the rules and constitution using the links below.
On behalf of Matthew Puddick, Club Secretary
The Club Awards dinner and evening will start at 18:00 directly after the AGM.
September Committee Report
The 21st September committee meeting minutes are now online.
August Committee Report
The 8th August committe reports and meeting decisions are now online.
Highlights include
- Chase the sun 2023, the club has decided to pre book tickets for the event and discount the cost to members under the “Ride as a team” initiative. Places will be offered to Social and Progressive riders first. If you are interested in the event, please speak to a member of the committee.
- The club has donated club and BC Silver membership to Paul Smith in order to support him getting access to specialist expertise and equipment from regional Handbike Hubs. You can read more about Paul and the challenge he’s taking on here.
- The club is launching a discounted members offer for PNECC branded headset caps.
The next committee meeting is due to be held on the 19th September at Mountbatten in the track room and as always everyone is welcome to attend.
Lastly you may have seen Andy Connelly went for a little bike ride a few weeks ago…..word in this morning is that hes just about recovered enough hand strength to open his own yogurt pots. #ultracyclingthings
May 2022 Committee Minutes
The minutes with reports and decision are online here. The committee reviewed and agreed a series of initiative to support participation, volunteering and competition by Junior, Youth and racing teams across disciplines.
- Race fee rebates for U18 Youth and Junior PNECC Members.
- “Ride up” for a reduced fee f@ Dick Evans Memorial Summer Series Races.
- Offer to members for Hoodies, Polos and T-shirts – free kit to event Volunteers & Representatives at TT, Circuit and Road Races.
- Ride as a Team events – local entry to events at reduced fees.
- Race Car experience Opportunity for members to join one of the Summer Road Race Official and support cars. 11th June.
- Junior and Youth Jersey rebate for members competing in newly purchased club kit.
The next committee will be Monday 20th June at Mountbatten, and is open for all members to participate and attend.
PNECC Jersey of Champions Unveiled

April 2022 Committee Minutes online
The minutes with reports and decision are on line here. Key points:
- Race volunteer kit – full field of 80 for National B race 23rd April
- Race series now open for entry; Track day planned for May; TT racing underway
- Ride Leader volunteers needed for Sundays – Inter, Prog & Social
- 2022 Club Events Calendar – Events ramping up from April, team
- Tour of Britain IOW 11th Sept, to open to membership for bookings
- Mid year review – Dev Plan actions Y1-Q2 progressing; budget in control to plan, volunteering engagement is an area to grow to have cover and flexibility.
- Secretary & members representative nominations sought.
Next committee Tuesday 17th May @ Mountbatten, open to all member.