Merry Christmas and thanks for an amazing 2021

Our 121st year PNECC achievements……..

  • Welcome many new riders to the club
  • Restart and expand our club ride  groups and leaders, welcome juniors and complete an anniversary ride,
  • Run a full programme of time trials for our club awards and trophies,
  • Run successful race events, grow our race teams s for men and women, achieve 15th position regionally with, podiums/ wins and category progressions;  representing at regional & national events,
  • Getting more and more PNECC kit on the road, 3 kit shop sessions and a new UK supplier with rapid delivery times.
  • Run a junior and youth coaching programme and restarted, senior coaching & “Come and Try” events at Mountbatten Track,
  • Run 3 Grand Tour Velo-games Leagues with Prizes,
  • Supported a new local cycling charity, welcome new members,
  • Create new volunteering opportunities and appoint 7 new committee volunteers,
  • Return to and establish regular activities at Mountbatten,
  • Contribute to the city cycling coordination group, 
  • Launch a forward looking development plan
  • Achieve Clubmark award and Go-Ride Accreditation,
  • Launch a new website and set-up a new membership system
  • and more.

2022 Membership renewal starts tomorrow. We’ll be excited to have you as a member for next year and beyond.

PNE is seeking to increase the opportunities to participate in and contribute across our club and activities, be that locally organised group rides & events, competing for time trial trophies, racing as part of the team, supporting events or improving your cycling.

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